Author: pezant

Fix for audio cutting out for 1-3 seconds randomly with MSI B650-S Wifi Motherboard

If your sound keeps cutting out seemingly randomly for your wirelessly headset with this motherboard then try plugging it into the other USB slots (not the blue ones, the red ones). It seems to have fixed my issue. Seems the other ones may not have enough power to support the power draw. Found the fix […]

How to get Tablepress tables to show in full width

2. Add in this CSS block modification .content-area__wrapper {–go–max-width: 100rem;} 3. Now your tables will show at full width on your site! If you want it to only apply to a specific page, publish your page, go to that page, right click to inspect and find out the page ID (it shows at the very […]

How to build & check to see if your ads.txt file is correct for Google Ads (Adsense)

Your ads.txt file is composed of the following parts For example:, pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Where: So to create your own ads.txt, all you need to do is go to your account information page (Account information – Settings – Account – Google AdSense) and pull your publisher ID and slot it in. Once you’ve got […]

Updating your wordpress PW without being able to password reset via email (GCP hosted WordPress instance)

Steps: ~$ cd /var/www/html/var/www/html$ wp user update [username] –user_pass=[new_password] Here’s an example if your user name was “admin” and you wanted the password to be “new_pass” you would enter the following after navigating to the right directory. wp user update admin –user_pass=new_pass Here’s the SSH button if you don’t know where to find it

Block any ads from showing on your computer with AdGuard DNS

Connect to public AdGuard DNS server ( Set up your network settings to use AdGuard DNS and they’ll block any ad server requests for you. A good option if you don’t want to block ads across your entire network with something like a PiHole. Downside is that you’re sending all your traffic to a DNS […]