TLDR: You cannot bypass 5/24 by using an EIN instead of a SSN.
If you’re looking to maximize the number of cards you can get from Chase before being locked out by their 5/24 rule like me then you’re likely targeting business cards offered by Chase to maximize the rewards you can get from them.
Lately, I’ve been wondering if I can sign up for the Chase cards that suit me with my SSN and then get an EIN and use that later on once I’ve passed 5/24 to get more Chase business cards. Alas, after a bit of research I’ve confirmed that you cannot bypass 5/24 by using an EIN instead of a SSN.
See sources/references below.
From reddit (r/churning):
The 5/24 rule can also be bypassed by applying using a paper application instead of the electronic one with a BRM. This only bypasses the 5/24 auto-denial. You can still get denied for having too many cards, among various other reasons.
Getting Approved for Chase Business Cards
byu/nuhertz inchurning
Getting Approved for Chase Business Cards
byu/nuhertz inchurning
How Does the Chase “5/24” Rule Affect Businesses With Separate EINs?