The 1.43 Million Dollar Draft: Game 5 Alliance vs. Na’vi

“Some people may find the drafting stage to be long and drawn out. However, once you begin to consider the elaborate strategic decisions and mindgames that are occurring behind those seconds ticking away on the screen it becomes a simple task to allow yourself to be drawn into the intellectual battle that is unfolding before your eyes. Consider this, drafting is so important to a team’s success that the top teams even have a strategy as to where they make use of their reserve time in order to best plan out the picks in their draft stage that they feel are most important. Intelligent drafting has allowed teams like Sigma to rise up from obscurity as they manage to find combinations that were previously unexplored and muscle themselves into the top rankings despite not being known for holding an incredibly talented team of players.

The most memorable draft for me within the last year was Game 5 of The International 3 featuring Na’vi and Alliance. With so much on the line both teams had to draft with everything at stake. Was now the time to stray from their signature heroes and what had worked in the past? Or should they throw in a surprise and seek to execute a strategy that the other team would not be prepared for? Ultimately, the two teams both banned and picked heroes that they’d seen and played before; they sought to outdo each other on execution. Although, at first glance it may seem like the draft was entirely predictable we need to consider the way that the bans and picks were targeted. Na’vi banned Naga and Chen first off. Alliance banned Lifestealer and Dark Seer. These heroes may not have normally been first ban material but in the case of EGM’s Naga and Akke’s Chen Na’vi had had enough. The same can be said for XBOTCT’s Lifestealer and Funnk’s Dark Seer.  Those initial bans shaped the entire game with Na’vi picking up Batrider and Alliance grabbing Io and Nature’s Prophet. After that it was a question of picking, counterpicking and banning strategically to try and mold the game to each team’s advantage. Watching both teams as they battled for an advantage in what was certainly to be a closely fought battle with such high stakes was nearly as captivating as the game itself. I am definitely looking forward to witnessing another incredibly tense and high stakes round of picking when the next International comes around. In the meantime, I’ll continue to attempt to convince others of just how important and captivating the picking phase can be.

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Tidehunter’s Tumble: An Analysis of the Leviathan’s Falling Popularity

Tidehunter used to be such a frequent appearance in professional games that he even had a team, No Tidehunter (now playing under the name of Alliance), jokingly named in honour of him because they found him so annoying to play against. Unfortunately, (at least for those who enjoy watching him being played in professional matches), his popularity has fallen off considerably since TI2.

By looking at the gradual decline of Tidehunter from TI2 to TI3 we can begin to try to piece together a narrative of what exactly happened to our favourite, watermelon-striped Leviathan.

Tidehunter’s Performance in Professional Games

Games W L Win % Before After
Tidehunter (since the beginning of DotA 2) 574 286 288 0.50
Post TI2 373 178 195 0.48 2/9/2012
Before the beginning of TI2 125 69 56 0.55 20/8/2012
Up to end of TI2 196 105 91 0.54 2/9/2012
During TI2 76 40 36 0.53
7 months before TI3 91 41 50 0.45 2/8/2013 2/1/2013
During TI3 12 6 6 0.50


 As you can see by the win rates and games played above, Tidehunter’s popularity and general success rate dropped precipitously in the months leading up to TI3 with only 91 games played that included Tide (and a saddening 45% win rate) and a mere 12 games played as Tide during the tournament (with a respectable 50% win rate) Tide was no longer the omnipresent, teamfight turning force that he once was. Compared to his run in TI2 with 76 games played and a 53% win rate he is a shadow of his former self.

So what happened to Tidehunter? His decline in popularity can be attributed to a number of factors.

  1. The introduction of new heroes (like Magnus who was slightly more prominent at TI3) who serve a similar role but are arguably stronger and more versatile. As well as the emergence of alternate laning supports and offlaners (through release of new heroes and buffs to current ones).
  2. The nature of the meta and the shift towards fewer large, decisive teamfights and more frequent skirmishes.
  3. Nerfs made to Tidehunter (ultimate travel time, reduced ravage damage) that have limited his effectiveness.

As it stands, it seems unlikely that Tidehunter will return to his previous lofty heights. He faces substantial competition from other supports who offer more during the early stages of the game and are not as dependent on items like Blink Dagger in order to be able to initiate effectively. Tidehunter feels like a remnant of the way in which DotA used to be played before the sweeping changes made in patches 6.78 and 6.79. Without a reinvention of the way he is played or a shift back to a more TI2-esque way of playing matches he’ll have to hang out on the sidelines. The exception being in niche circumstances where he fits a specific requirement.

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Abbadon’s Success in the Pub Scene

Currently, as per, Abaddon has the second highest pub win rate this month (at 56.64%) . I believe this is the case because of the versatility of the hero and the power and synergy between his skills. Abaddon has the potential to be a hard support, an offlaner, played mid (albeit somewhat ineffectively), as a semi-carry or (and this is quite a stretch) as a hard carry. Although he functions best in some roles (the consensus amongst more experienced players is that he is best played as a support) the way that his skills come together mean than he play multiple roles effectively.

This means that even if the person playing him may not have the best idea of what composition he should be placed in and against or if the game develops in an unexpected direction he has the capability to adapt to those circumstances. His ultimate, shield, deathbolt and frost sword give him the ability to dive towers without a care in the world and slow his opponents down continually as he gradually whacks them to death. This gives him the opportunity to take a strong early game start and move into a powerful mid-game position where he focuses on attack speed (with items like Mask of Madness) and damage/utility (with a skull basher for example). Additionally, should the enemy team finally reach the end of their patience and choose to focus him down in a battle his ultimate gives him a 4 second delay from death every time and forces attention to be focused elsewhere lest he benefit from damage dealt during the duration. Alternatively, played as a support, Abaddon has the ability to heal and do damage as he chooses, provide a temporary respite from aggression and free teammates from dangerous situations (due to the shield removing negative effects), give bonus move and attack speed to surrounding allies should he end up striking the opponent and, on top of all that, enjoy a considerably longer life span than most supports due to his ultimate.

As a support, his ultimate provides the added effect of causing players to not bother going after him/her because his ultimate will just go off anyways and prevent aggression for a short period. This means that unlike the fate of a support in many a team fight (being blow up in a few seconds) Abaddon often has the opportunity to move throughout the battlefield relatively untouched until the remainder of his team has fallen. There are a few more factors to touch on (attack animations and cast animations being relatively succinct, less of a familiar hero to many players, and the automatic trigger aspect of his ultimate) but in the interest of keeping this somewhat condensed I’ll stop there for now. In summary, Abaddon is currently enjoying such a high win rate this month because of the flexibility the hero provides and the ease with which he can be adapted to the playstyle of the person controlling him as well as the tempo and developments in the game.


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The Neverending Quest: Life as a Gamer

I’ve played video games as far back as my memories go. I remember being in the basement of my home back when I was six playing educational games with my siblings. One of the most magical things about video games was that when I played them(even the single player ones) they always involved my friends and others. Games were there to keep us up through the night while we hung out together. I distinctly remember being unable to glance at the TV screen for more than a few terrifying moments as my buddies played through Resident Evil. They made visits to Metrotown so epic when they still had Playdium there and my brother and I would burn countless tokens playing through Gauntlet Legends (which we eventually bought on eBay for the N64). My cousins, siblings and I would alternate between playing games like Harvest Moon on the N64 and running around outside when they would come to stay over at our place during the summer.

Games served as a way for my siblings and I (but especially me and my brother) to share fantastic experiences together. My brother and I using a walkie talkie to report on my parents’ whereabouts while we surreptitiously played Dungeon Keeper on a shitty old computer squirreled away in our basement. One year during Christmas break after we’d finally succumbed and starting playing World of Warcraft we were so incredibly drawn to the game that we would play through the night and take turns waking each other up while our parents were sleeping so that we could get more play time in. There are so many more hilarious and touching stories that I’ll elaborate on later on but for the sake of time and space I’ll leave it to that for now.

Games were there to bring me and my friends together with many raucous games of Mario Party, Super Smash Bros., Goldeneye, Gauntlet Legends, and Mario Kart. Later on those games evolved into things like Age of Empires, Starcraft I and II, World of Warcraft, Team Fortress 2 and DotA 1 and 2. Alongside those lively social experiences were the engrossing single player ones. Civ 2,Master of Orion 1 and 2, the original XCom, Robin Hood Legend of Sherwood, Dune 2000, Warcrafts 1-3, Knights of the Old Republic, Beyond Good and Evil, Bango Kazooie Sid Meier’s Pirates, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Star Fox, Fire Emblem, Harvest Moon,  Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2, Portal, FTL, Binding of Isaac, the list goes on and on. As I grew older, so did my love for video games. In fact, I love games so much that I’ve continued to play them even though I’m now working full time and it has become a great deal more difficult to find the time to enjoy them. But I soldier on because my passion only continues to grow and there is so much to discover. So much to learn. So much to enjoy.

Video games occupy a significant part of my life. They let me explore new worlds. Encounter and experience so many amazing things. Be part of so many stories. Continuing to challenge myself and improve. Always seeking that edge and capitalizing on small details to pull ahead.  My gaming sessions extend late into the night as my friends and I egg each other on to continue playing. After a long night of attempting not to be a failure at DotA as I see the sun peeking through the windows at 7 in the morning I really realise just how compelling and wonderful video games and the times spent playing them with friends are. Why else would you go through such lengths and so many trying hours through the night if it weren’t so much fun sharing these experiences with friends?

As I’ve continued playing video games I’ve really come to appreciate the camaraderie and communities that sprout up around them. Our communities. The ones that create mods, run forums, do fan art and cosplay, hound the developers for new content and fastidiously keep track of bugs, revel in the Easter eggs left for them to discover, and passionately debate balance and the evolution of game; these communities are what make gaming such a unique and vibrant culture. Through gamers’ involvement in forums, fan sites, video game conferences, social media and the like they have an opportunity to complete immerse themselves in what they love and even contribute to its development.

I’ve been struggling how to think I can share my joy of gaming with others and,embrace a lifestyle where I spend all my time appreciating all that the world of gaming has to offer and spread the honest, pure joy of playing with others. But I’ve figured it out. Create a website that encompasses all of what I talked about above. And, unsurprisingly, I’ll be doing it with my friends! It is going to be about all that we’ve given and gotten from being gamers. A website that encompasses the entirety of gaming and what it is to be a gamer. Reviews for games we’ve played, videos of us playing the games we love, commentating for games with an eSports component, thoughts on different hardware and accessories we’ve used and ideal setups and whatever else we think you guys would like. A website that allows you to revel in being a gamer and connect with other people who feel the same

We’ll do our very best to make every moment worth it for you. So, what do you think? Join us in this adventure? We promise to make it worth your while! To start, we’ll be creating content on a weekly basis and increasing it as things ramp up. Let us know what you’d be interested in seeing and if you do like what we do, please share it with your friends!</p>
Thank you for taking the time to read my musings and we wish you a pezant (like pleasant, but pezant because that’s my handle) day.


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